Monday, 25 December 2017

Christmas Day Running

During November the local gym had a promotion to encourage everyone to get through 7000 calories of effort before Christmas.  Apparently 7000 calories is the average Christmas dinner.  

Today's run only came to 224 calories (with another 165 for walking Marley).  But there's only so much you can fit in with so little daylight at this time of year.  On the other hand dinner didn't come to anywhere near 7000 calories.  I mean how can you eat that much?  Even on the W2C run when we were eating constantly through the day we were only managing to put away about 3500 calories.

Christmas Day is a great time for a run.  Especially when you have a power cut in the middle of the day which takes away the excuse of needing to do something else.  A few people heading for the pub commented that running isn't the right thing to do today but what do they know.  I expect they'll be in the gym for a few days next month then all their good intentions will slide away again.

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