My local parkrun has been cancelled two weeks running, first because of high winds (they don't want anyone squashed by falling branches in the woods) and this week because of another event being held at the site. Both times I'd headed off to Stratford which is a) three times as far to drive and b) flat as a pancake and mostly on tarmac paths. The course also comes up about 200m shorter on my Garmin than my home event but it's still over the 5k.
The first time I ran at Stratford I took the first lap pretty easy as I'd no idea what the ground would be like. I then sped up for laps two and three which resulted in me equalling my 5k PB. This week it was less windy which also helped - no battling into a gale (though no wind assistance on the other side of the course either). I tried to get a good start and while I was nearer the front I still got a bit boxed in. Not that it mattered as I cleared the first mile in 8.00 mins exactly. The next mile was even faster and mile three just a couple of seconds slower resulting in a time of 24:45 - I was so excited to get under the 25 mins that I forgot to stop my watch and had to wait for my official time! 😆
I've also had to re-calculate all my training paces again - that's another 5 secs a mile off each pace.
A few weeks ago I was thrilled that I'd got an age grade over 70% for the first time ever, now it's over 74% - next target 75%? That will be tough on my regular course with the uneven ground, changes of surfaces and tight twists. Might just be easier to wait for a birthday and keep running at the same pace
Total miles for the week: 25.93
Elevation gained: 369m
Le-jog: 706.28 (between Kessoch Bridge and Cromarty Bridge)