Saturday, 5 January 2019

Parkrun PB

Now that there's a much closer Parkrun I plan on going more often.  As each Parkrun course is different you need to set a PB for each time you attend a new course - and you don't get a PB for the first event.  This week I took 11 secs on last week's time (admittedly I didn't try too hard last week as you need to know the course to try a PB) finishing in 29:08.  Not spectacularly fast but still pleasing and it's fun to ring the bell.

If anything the course was wetter this week than last, even though we've not had any rain, with a lot more mud stuck to the shoes at the end.  It was also much colder - long sleeve t-shirt, short sleeve t-shirt, hat, gloves and longs cold.

Followed up later in the day with a short 2.5 mile easy run to make the planned 5 miles for the day.