Week 4 and a grim run to finish
Just 6.8 miles today to end an easy week in training. But conditions were grim. Heavy rain yesterday afternoon and overnight has turned the ground to deep mud. Combine that with winds gusting to 40 mph, torrential sleety downpours and temperatures hovering around 4C (and feeling like -2C) and grim just about covers it. In places the mud was so slippy it was impossible to run and stay upright. Needless to say there was no one out, not even a dog walker.
Mud, deep, slippy mud! |
Unlike last week I was actually warm enough on this week's run. Long sleeve merino top, merino t-shirt, full waterproof jacket with hood, long trousers, 2 buffs (one as hat, one as scarf) and two pair gloves (one inside the other) just about did it without overheating. Just some very muddy trainers to wash and dry.
This week's totals:
18.34 miles
226 m elevation
LeJog: 89.18 miles