Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Week 8 - not going to plan

Week 8 turned out to be an even lower mileage than last week entirely due to going to Scout Camp for the weekend.

I'd swapped a few sessions around to move the long run to Friday and a short run to Sunday with Saturday as a rest day.  Up to Thursday it was all going to plan with the exception of missing one strength workout due to packing all the camp gear on Thursday evening.  Then it all went downhill.

A look in the fridge on Friday morning said that rather than going running I needed to go food shopping.  Add in trip to vets to collect wormer and the next thing you know it's 1200 and I need to leave at 1330 for camp.  

I had thought I might get a short run in on Sunday afternoon but by the time I got back, unloaded the kit and put it away and got home it was already five o'clock.  A combination of needing to get out to church and lack of sleep over the weekend put paid to good intentions.

This weeks figures:
Mileage: 14.2 miles
Elevation gained: 120m

LeJog: approaching the Avon Bridge