Sunday, 24 February 2019

Week 7 - A short run is better than no run

This has been one of those weeks where you wonder how you'll fit everything in.  With it being half term there was no Scouts on Monday, but we did have a camp planning meeting on Thursday.  Then I had a long trip up north to see family at the weekend (50 miles of roadworks on the motorway didn't make it any easier).  So my carefully worked out combination of short runs on busy nights and long runs on nights I don't have to go out all went to pieces.  

On the plus side I did get to try a new Parkrun this week at Ormskirk.  Very friendly and a nice course with a few gentle slopes for variation and two loops the larger of which is run twice.  The best bit is it's all on nice firm surfaces with just one or two places where there is a bit of loose gravel - which makes it very fast - my best time of the year so far by nearly 40 seconds despite the hills.

This week was planned to be an easy week with slightly lower mileage than last week for recovery.  I cut Thursday's run short by nearly a mile because of being short of time so I upped Sunday's distance from 10 to 11 miles to compensate.  Being away from home meant trying out a new route.  Now not every part of the country has hills and today's 11 miles netted just 20 m elevation gain - I can usually get that in the first half mile!

Cheshire Lines - a flat part of the Trans-Pennine Trail
Looking at the calendar next week looks like it's going to need even more juggling around to get anything like the mileage in.

Totals for the week:
21.98 miles
121 m elevation gained

LeJog: 171 miles ( between Taunton and the Avon Bridge)

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