A very easy week with only two runs and no strength work. By Monday morning most of the stiffness from the Stratford Marathon had gone and it was fine so long as I didn't sit for too long. Just 15 mins walking on Monday and Tuesday, then 20 minutes on Wednesday. Thursday should have been an easy 2 mile run but I'd gone down with a cold so gave it a miss.
Then Parkrun on Saturday at a steady pace and a short trail run Sunday to round off the week. Parkrun was fine with no problems with putting in a faster paced mile. It was on the uphills on Sunday that it was clear that the legs still haven't fully recovered, just tired not sore which is good.
Normally after a long run I can eat like a horse. To be honest I did eat quite a bit on Sunday afternoon starting with 500ml of chocolate soya milk and a protein bar at the finish, then progressing through toast, yoghurt, full cooked dinner, then hot chocolate and flapjack before bed. Monday though I just couldn't face food. Looking in my bag and smelling a banana at lunchtime almost made me sick. My stomach was in a complete knot and nothing would go down. This continued until Wednesday evening before I could really face food again, but the only fruit that appealed was apples. So I'm still 1kg lighter than when I started the marathon although now I'm back eating again I don't think that will last long now.
Stats for the week:
Miles: 7.58
Elevation gained: 148 metres
LeJog: 443.53 (12 miles south of Carlise)