Sunday, 7 April 2019

Week 13 - Brrr...

The start of April and we seem to have gone back to winter, with temperatures stuck in single figures, heavy rain and dull, grey days this week.  I managed a couple of chilly runs in shorts before reverting to the full longs for Saturday and Sunday, plus hat, buff and gloves.

Bought some tailwind to try this week.  Quite nice, very mild taste.  Used it on Sunday's run and felt pretty good throughout without any feeling of stomach churning that gels can produce.  

Not much else to say really.  Still struggling to fit in the strength sessions and the longer mid-week runs.  Now the schools have broken up for Easter I'm hoping that will improve as there are less demands on time in the evenings.  And by the time they go back I'll be well into the taper for the Stratford Marathon.

Highlights of the week were a close up view of a Red Kite taking off from the ground not 50 metres from home and an even closer encounter with a male Yellowhammer sitting in a hedge at the side of the road as I ran past, both on Sunday.

Stats for the week:

Mileage:  38.02
Elevation gained: 538.81 metres
LeJog: 357.36 - just north of St Helens