Sunday, 14 April 2019

Week 14 - Now is not the time to get injured

This was to be the biggest mileage week, but things don't always go to plan.  Early in the week I felt a bit of a "niggle" in my right knee, always one of my week spots that can pick up an injury.  As the program I've been following only has a two week taper rather than three weeks I decided to cut my mileage a few days early and make sure I was completing the strength training.  As they say it's better to arrive at the start line undertrained and uninjured than not to start at all.

Tuesday's run was cut short because a meeting at work over-ran by an hour!  How a meeting can run double its planned length and still be going round in circles is one of the wonders of the modern world.  Thursday's run was cut from 8 miles to 5, Saturday's from 10 miles to 6 and Sunday's from 20 miles to just under 13.  There's nothing magic about running 20 miles in training, especially if you've run the distance previously.  

Parkrun formed 3 of the 6 miles on Saturday, run at a steady pace with each mile 10 seconds faster than the previous one.  Well outside my PB but I'd always intended to take it steadily and the pacing was good.

Sunday's run was at an easy pace, though around 30 seconds a mile faster than I usually do my long run at.  The benefit of 14 weeks training and knowing that it was only 13 miles to run.  If (and it's always a big if with a marathon) I can manage that pace on the day I'll be very happy indeed.

Bluebells in The Warren
Stats for the week:
Mileage - 26.43 miles
Elevation gained - 515m
LeJog - 383.79 (a few miles north of Preston)