Sunday, 21 April 2019

Week 15 - Happy Easter

A big drop in mileage this week for the taper.  It seems strange to have time to do other stuff than just run.  

Tuesday was 3 miles at target marathon pace.  I've no idea what my target pace is really, so I opted for the faster end of my easy pace.  I doubt I'd be able to keep it up for a whole marathon though, especially going up hill out of Welford.

Thursday's tempo run was just 2 miles (plus a warm up and cool down). Strangely the first mile, where it's running slightly downhill, was 20 seconds slower than the second where it's slightly uphill.  Maybe it's to do with not being properly warmed up as the first mile felt much harder than the second.

I didn't run at Parkrun this week, the temptation to ignore easy injunction would have been too much.  Instead a took a turn at volunteering, handing out tokens and congratulations to the finishers.  There's only so many times you can say "well done" or "good running" in a morning.  

Sunday's long run was just a baby at 8 miles.  It was the first long run of the year in warm conditions (19C) which made it feel quite hard at times even though I wasn't pushing the pace at all.  Forgetting to drink for the first 3 miles probably didn't help, as did feeling thirsty before I'd even started to run.  The forecast is for the temperatures to drop back again next week.

Happy Easter.

This week in numbers:
Miles: 19.03
Elevation gained: 227.38 metres
LeJog: 402.82 (not quite halfway)