Saturday, 26 August 2017

A run-able long run

My long off-road runs usually involve hills, which inevitably means walking at some point when the gradient gets too steep.  But the first two days of the 138 miles, 2 feet run are pancake flat rising a little over 25 metres on day 1 and a similar amount on day 2.  So there won't be any hills to give walking breaks which means running and walking to a schedule.

Today's run was to practice just that, as well as keeping up with eating and drinking.  Run for 25 minutes, take a five minute walking break and remember to keep eating and drinking a little every mile.  I set off at a conservative pace aiming for around 10 minutes a mile (I told you I wasn't fast).   This was fine on the Greenway* and along the first 5 miles or so of the Stratford Canal.  After Wilmcote the tow path stopped being hard packed gravel and changed to grass then later to uneven grass, mud and tree roots causing me to slow down quite a bit.  I turned round after 15 miles.  Surprisingly my pace picked up again once I was back on the smoother surface south of Wilmcote. 

The highlight of the day came just a couple of miles from the centre of Stratford when I spotted a Kingfisher.  Such a beautiful iridescent blue in flight.  Unfortunately far too fast for me to get a photograph as it flew away over the water.  

There were plenty of other things to see along this section of the canal:

Bridge photo
The gap between the two halves allowed the tow rope of horse drawn boats to pass through

Sign recording the restoration of the Stratford Canal

Edstone Viaduct
Edstone Viaduct

Weight limit sign on bridge -

Stand of dead trees
The silver grey of this stand of dead trees stood out against the sky

*For anyone considering starting a Couch to 5k I thoroughly recommend the Greenway as a place to begin.  There's no gradient to worry about, the wide, smooth surface is more forgiving than tarmac or pavement and apart from bikes  and a very occasional horse it's traffic free.

Today's stats:

Distance: 30 miles
Elevation gained:  90 metres

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