Sunday, 27 August 2017

Sunny Sunday Run

Today's run was hard.  30 miles yesterday had taken all the spring out of my legs.  I'd expected to struggle going up hill but no, the uphills were fine, it was the downhills that were a problem.  Every downhill step was a jarring landing as my ankles refused to bend and absorb the shock.

It was also hot.  Not scorching but just on the side of a bit too warm for comfortable running.  Fortunately I'd chosen a route through the woods so plenty of shade but every time I came out into the open the temperature soared.  

A particular hazard at this time of year is the nettles.  A lot of the narrower paths are lined with nettles and it's impossible not to brush against them at times.  I've got a good collection of nettle stings on my legs, everyone of which feels like a little sparkler fizzing away on my skin.  Pass me a dock leaf!

Distance: 10.87 miles
Elevation gained: 311 metres

Totals for the week:
Distance: 56.41 miles
Elevation gained: 816 metres

Sponsor me as I run 138 miles in 4 days and help send a group of Scouts on an adventure of a lifetime

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