The trouble with tapering (or cutting the amount you run in the week or so before an event) is it leaves you with time on your hands. When you go from running for at least an hour each evening to 30 minutes or less you need something to fill the gap otherwise you start fretting about the event itself.
At least today I've been kept busy with sorting all my maps for the run. In a big race there are signs and marshals to point you in the right direction but we are going to have to do our own navigating. And it's easy to go wrong trying to run and read a map at the same time - maybe that's why the event t-shirts have an extra 7 miles over what the map said it was, they are allowing for us getting lost.
Some runners like to go all high tech and put their faith in a smart watch or phone. But devices can fail even if it's only the battery going flat. Personally I prefer a nice, old fashioned paper map although these days I print them off from the OS Maps website to which I have a subscription. The only time gadgets score for me is the last few hundred yards when you are looking for somewhere in an urban area. And even then you have to be careful as they can try to send you on a 60 mph dual carriageway with no pavement.
No running today - final strength training session, nothing too ambitious, no point in getting injured at this stage.
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