Monday, 4 September 2017

We're not really obsessed with food

I can tell departure day is getting nearer.  Every time the team gets together talk turns to one of two topics:  running kit or food.  Today it was food.

We had a lively debate about which type of cake is best; ginger, malt loaf or flapjack - I don't mind it's cake!   

Then there was how many fig rolls can we eat in a day - I can eat two or three in one go but Rachel reckons she can eat a whole pack.  

And did we want coke or Red Bull? (if my dentist is reading this I promise to clean my teeth properly twice a day).

Finally it was boiled potatoes versus roast potatoes to eat while running.  It was at this point that it all got a bit silly with it being suggested that Neil could cook up a whole roast dinner for us while he was waiting for us to arrive.  Nice thought but I don't think that's going to be happening.  Though there might be some crisps to eat.  Or would we prefer Pringles?

All the talk about food left me feeling hungry at the start of tonight's run, an easy paced few miles around Broadway.  Although it felt warm and humid during the run  I didn't really notice how drenched in sweat I was until I got out of the car having driven home.  Even though the air temperature was in the high teens celsius I was instantly chilled by the wind.  I had to dig out my windproof jacket just to walk the final 100 yards home.

Today's stats:

Distance: 4.62 miles
Elevation gained: 43 metres

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